It’s So Important To Listen To Rochester’s Newest Podcast

I’ve honestly never been happier that I scrolled across something on the internet than I was finding this new podcast. I’m not kidding.

Let’s get really real for a moment. I’ll speak for myself as a heterosexual white woman and admit that I’m not always sure how to navigate conversations involving our BIPOC and queer neighbors. However, I do feel as though it’s my responsibility to stand up against injustice and break stigmas as someone with privilege, and I don’t know how to do this without learning what the community needs and having conversations about it, though it’s my biggest fear that I’ll “say the wrong thing.”

So, what do I do? What can any white person do when we see harmful and hurtful things happening to our neighbors? Start with listening to the BIPOC and queer community. Don’t talk, just listen. Then, use the platform and skills we’ve been given. In my world, that’s using my online platform – and I’m going to use it right now.

Annie Mack and Vangie Castro are part of my local community in Rochester, Minnesota. It breaks my heart to hear that my own neighbors feel a need to be cautious within their own city. However, as hard as it was to hear, it was necessary to understand their struggle and their thoughts on the world. Their new podcast reminded me that it’s way more important to listen and learn and hear different stories and perspectives than our own – and that listening is a great first step to take before any action is involved.

I highly recommend listening to the stories and thoughts they share, especially if you’re not part of the BIPOC and queer community. It’s eye-opening. Just as any other human, these communities have their own fears and concerns and hopes and dreams. Find out what they are on 2POC2QUEERS.

Just be open to conversation. Period. I truly believe change starts there.

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